Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) were registered in India between July 1, 2020, and December 4, 2023, the central government told the Rajya Sabha on Monday. Minister of State for MSMEs Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma responded in writing when asked by a member about the total number of registered MSMEs in the country and the year-on-year increase and decrease in registration for the last five years. Citing data uploaded on the Udyam Registration Portal, the Minister said all the 3,16,05,581 MSMEs included informal micro-enterprises. All the MSMEs were registered on the Udyam Assist Platform. Verma also shared data that shows the registration of 28,47,544 MSMEs in 2020; 51,47,993 in 2021; 85,82,179 in 2022; and 1,50,27,865 in 2023. In response to In response to the query of Independent MP Kartikeya Sharma, the Minister further said the total number of women-owned MSMEs registered in the country from July 1, 2020, to December 4, 2023, was 1,17,36,406.