5 ways to increase cyber resilience against increasingly diverse threats

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-01-16
5 ways to increase cyber resilience against increasingly diverse threats

The cybersecurity economy grew four times faster than the global average in 2023, outpacing tech sector growth, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024. The report highlights the increasing scale and diversity of cyber threats, with malware infiltrating over 10% of global organizations doubling in the past five years. The WEF emphasizes the growing gap in cyber resilience between well-resourced large organizations and small to medium-sized enterprises. Geopolitical tensions and emerging technologies like generative AI pose additional challenges, with 70% of cyber leaders citing geopolitical concerns influencing their cybersecurity strategies. The report suggests five measures to improve cyber resilience, including prioritizing cyber risk, developing cyber governance, fostering a culture of resilience, encouraging systemic collaboration, and ensuring design support cyber resilience.