AI, Cybersecurity Skills and Digital Platforms Offer Opportunity for Smaller Businesses

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-02-13
AI, Cybersecurity Skills and Digital Platforms Offer Opportunity for Smaller Businesses

A survey conducted by CITE Research has revealed that AI is set to revolutionize industries and society, but businesses need to understand its full benefits and address the skills gaps. The survey found that 84% of businesses allow AI use, and 68% have used chatbots. However, other capabilities like machine-aided design and machine learning are poised to improve efficiency. The survey also revealed that 64% of respondents find it difficult to find employees with the necessary skills to compete, and 73% are concerned about cybersecurity issues. The cybersecurity skills gap has consequences such as higher costs of products and services, safety issues, a slower time to market, and lower revenues. Additionally, 87% of organizations have room for growth in their digital transformation, with over one-third of large companies seeing implementation costs and management skills as barriers to adoption. 

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