Americans trust small businesses more than any other institution

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-02-06
Americans trust small businesses more than any other institution

Entrepreneurs, take a bow. Among all U.S. institutions, including the military, religious organizations, K–12 schools, and colleges, Americans have the most positive view of small businesses, and the vote was not even close. In a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 86 percent of people said small businesses have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, up from 80 percent in October 2022. Only 12 percent of respondents believe small businesses have a negative impact. The survey also found a broad base of support for small businesses across party lines. Among Democrats, 88 percent said small businesses had a positive effect on the country's trajectory. In a rare moment of bipartisanship, 87 percent of Republicans agreed. The Washington, D.C.-based nonpartisan think tank conducted the national survey between January 16 and January 21, polling 5,140 adults.

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