Apple’s Vision Pro virtual reality headset could be difficult to buy at launch, TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said Thursday. Apple will only produce between 60,000 and 80,000 units of the $3,499 headset for the release on Feb. 2, Kuo wrote on social media, and he predicts units could quickly sell out. The prediction from one of the top Apple supply chain analysts underscores how unusual and limited the launch of Apple’s first major product since the Apple Watch could be. Apple fans are likely to covet the headset regardless, leading to a quick sell-out, Kuo wrote. The Vision Pro is Apple’s first major new product since the release of the Apple Watch back in 2014. It uses a battery of cameras and sensors to display the real world, integrated with Apple software, on the headset’s advanced internal displays. The device requires some fitting and customization for each user, including custom lenses for people who wear glasses.