AR Glasses Spawn a Whole New Social Dynamic

Posted under: Extended Reality
Date: 2023-09-28
AR Glasses Spawn a Whole New Social Dynamic

Researchers from Cornell University and Brown University conducted a study exploring the social dynamics of augmented reality (AR) glasses. They investigated how AR glasses, with the ability to apply filters on the wearer's face, affect interpersonal interactions. The study found that wearers felt more relaxed and less socially anxious when interacting with others, thanks to face filters. However, non-wearers experienced discomfort, feeling powerless over their appearance and social cues due to the glasses' opaque lenses. Concerns were raised about potential misuse, like deepfakes or unauthorized recording. Participants proposed improvements, but many focused on enhancing the wearer's experience. The study emphasizes the importance of considering both wearers and non-wearers in AR technology design. It suggests features like indicator lights to inform non-wearers when filters are active and holographic projections for shared experiences.

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