Are We Ready for the Quantum Age? Preparing for the Risks of Quantum Technologies with Rights-Respecting Policy Frameworks

Posted under: Computing
Date: 2024-03-11
Are We Ready for the Quantum Age? Preparing for the Risks of Quantum Technologies with Rights-Respecting Policy Frameworks

Quantum technologies are on the verge of revolutionizing various fields, but legal frameworks are not prepared for their impact. Similar to AI, quantum computing poses significant risks, including breaking encryption, enhancing surveillance capabilities, and potentially enabling mind reading. Policymakers are urged to proactively address these risks, drawing from recent AI policy developments. For instance, transitioning to post-quantum cryptography is crucial, and international consensus is needed to establish standards. Furthermore, the combination of AI and quantum computing raises concerns about digital repression and invasion of privacy. Policy responses should prioritize safeguarding human rights, including developing neurological safeguards against potential mind-reading technologies. Policymakers and companies must act swiftly to address these risks before quantum technologies become widespread.

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