As corporate America pivots to AI, consumers rejected for loans, jobs

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2024-02-14
As corporate America pivots to AI, consumers rejected for loans, jobs

The increasing reliance on AI-driven decision-making processes in areas like loan approvals, job applications, and memberships has led to concerns over lack of recourse for individuals affected. Instances like Rachel's rejection by Zipcar due to an old traffic citation and D's inability to secure a loan despite a clean record six years after settling a credit card debt highlight the impact of historical biases perpetuated by AI systems. Even job applicants like Elam face challenges, with AI often overlooking transferable skills and diverse backgrounds. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's requirement for lenders to explain loan denials addresses some concerns, but the absence of a human appeal process exacerbates issues of fairness and due process. As AI continues to play a significant role, there's a growing call to retain the human touch in decision-making processes.

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