Biometrics becoming part of school fabric

Posted under: Smart Technologies
Date: 2024-02-12
Biometrics becoming part of school fabric

Three school systems—two in the U.S. and the other in Brazil—are installing or updating biometric security systems for students. The U.S. state of Virginia’s Education Department has announced recipients for $12 million in state grants for security upgrades that will include access-control vendor Verkada cameras with facial recognition algorithms. It isn’t clear how many biometric surveillance cameras will be purchased, but the money will update systems at 483 schools considered by state officials most in need of assistance. A public high school in Maine this year is getting new finger scanners for tracking attendance. IdentiMetrics will install and set up the system, according to a letter to parents of Caribou High School students. And in Brazil, facial recognition software maker Corsight AI says it has licensed its algorithm to hundreds of schools in the state of Alagoas. No financial or product terms were released.

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