Connected devices and AI transform community-based healthcare delivery

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2023-12-28
Connected devices and AI transform community-based healthcare delivery

Part of the promise of AI is the innovative technology’s ability to democratize access to knowledge, and this fundamental element is increasingly being leveraged to address legacy gaps within the healthcare system, particularly those related to serving underserved populations. By providing these organizations with care management tools, data integration capabilities, and telemedicine support, they are increasingly able to deliver high-quality care and bridge the gap between clinical needs and social determinants of health. AI plays a crucial role by facilitating access to healthcare expertise and enabling cost-effective solutions. Large language models (LLMs) and generative AI capabilities have made healthcare expertise more accessible, allowing for efficient care management and expanding access through real-time translation services for non-English-speaking communities, further enhancing convenience and access to healthcare services.

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