‘Cyber-physical attacks' fueled by AI are a growing threat, experts say

Posted under: Online Security
Date: 2024-03-04
‘Cyber-physical attacks' fueled by AI are a growing threat, experts say

FBI Director Christopher Wray warns of Chinese government hackers targeting critical U.S. infrastructure, including water treatment plants and transportation systems. MIT researchers simulate cyberattacks triggering fires and explosions in equipment. Concerns rise about "cyber-physical attacks" with the proliferation of AI in hacking. Stuart Madnick, an MIT professor, notes the potential for AI-driven attacks causing physical damage, surpassing typical cyberattacks in impact. Tim Chase, Lacework's CISO, fears AI aiding hackers in exploiting weaknesses in legacy industrial systems. Sivan Tehila, Katz School of Science and Health professor, sees AI's dual role in enhancing both attacks and defenses. Michael Kenney of the University of Pittsburgh mentions risks for cybercriminals in targeting physical infrastructure but acknowledges potential dangers highlighted by Madnick.

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