Data scientists: Still the sexiest job - if anyone would just listen to them

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2024-03-06
Data scientists: Still the sexiest job - if anyone would just listen to them

The role of data scientist, hailed as the "sexiest job of the 21st century" in 2012, has evolved to become vital in the age of artificial intelligence and machine learning. While the job has become better institutionalized and incorporates non-technical expertise, many data scientists still spend significant time cleaning and wrangling data. Despite being well-paid, frustration arises from the lack of deployment of their insights due to organizational barriers and inadequate communication between business and data science teams. Challenges include under-planning, lack of understanding from decision-makers, and insufficient measurement of project performance. However, job satisfaction among data scientists is increasing, with growing demand for their skills prompting increased training efforts within organizations and collaborations with universities to promote interest in the field.

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