Digital Markets Bill can ‘level the playing field’ for startups

Posted under: Digital Transformation
Date: 2024-02-12
Digital Markets Bill can ‘level the playing field’ for startups

The Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Bill is proposed legislation that aims to give regulators greater powers to prevent anti-competitive practices from the largest tech companies. XigXag CEO Kelly Fairbrother advocates for a UK bill to level the playing field for app developers and consumers, but warns it may be ""watered down"" by companies. The government has introduced amendments to the bill, enabling dynamic market firms to challenge regulatory rulings without incurring significant legal fees. The Digital Markets Unit (DMU) within the Competition and Markets Authority will gain additional powers to prevent big tech firms from using market dominance to shut out competitors, with government engagement ongoing. Critics argue that the Digital Markets Bill, which includes additional regulatory powers, could make the UK less attractive to tech firms, potentially stifling their practice of using dirty tricks.

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