Empowering IoT Innovation: Golioth Shapes the Future of Connected Technology

Posted under: Smart Technologies
Date: 2024-02-13
Empowering IoT Innovation: Golioth Shapes the Future of Connected Technology

Golioth, an IoT platform led by Jonathan Beri, revolutionizes IoT development by simplifying connectivity and enhancing the developer experience. It offers a universal connector for connected products, focusing on innovation rather than technical complexities. Golioth boasts remarkable prototyping speed, completing tasks that typically take 30 days in just 12 hours. Clients report significant reductions in prototyping time, translating to cost savings and resource allocation for innovation. Golioth's device agnosticism allows connectivity for any hardware and operating system, disrupting the industry. Founded on security, functionality, and environmental responsibility, Golioth sets a new standard for IoT development. It assists companies like waste management innovators, streamlining operations and achieving immediate gains. Beri's leadership drives Golioth to simplify connectivity, empowering developers and catalyzing transformation in the IoT landscape.

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