Entrepreneurs without business or finance backgrounds share 3 non-business-related tactics that are helping them bring in millions in revenue

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-03-06
Entrepreneurs without business or finance backgrounds share 3 non-business-related tactics that are helping them bring in millions in revenue

Entrepreneurs and small-business owners have shown that a traditional business or finance background isn't a prerequisite for success. Some entrepreneurs, like Jon Neeter, Adah Fitzgerald, Martha Ellen Mabry, and Gus May, have evolved alongside their businesses and become more business-savvy through trial and error. They credit non-business-related strategies and mindsets for their success. One of the key strategies is to use their small size to their advantage, such as having a small, hand-picked staff that reads a large number of books and creates a unique, memorable atmosphere. Prioritizing being 'human-first' over 'business-first' on social media, such as Instagram, has helped them connect with the Mount Pleasant and greater DC community. Creating a friendly atmosphere among staff that trickles down to customers is crucial for their success. They want each customer to enjoy their tacos and share a joke or laugh with one of their staff.

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