Exploring the Metaverse: Giant Leaps in Engineering Ahead

Posted under: Extended Reality
Date: 2023-12-20
Exploring the Metaverse: Giant Leaps in Engineering Ahead

In the pursuit of a cleaner future, the industrial metaverse is emerging as a transformative tool, bringing together technologies like digital twin, artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, blockchain, and cloud/edge computing. Rob Akers, director of computing programmes at the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), highlights its significance in achieving net-zero goals. Collaborating with the University of Cambridge, Dell, and Intel, UKAEA leverages the metaverse for designing its fusion prototype power plant, STEP, aiming to connect real and virtual worlds seamlessly. Nvidia's Omniverse, a virtual collaboration platform, exemplifies this future, facilitating real-time collaboration, visualizations, and simulations for global engineering teams. Siemens, BMW, and UKAEA are utilizing the Omniverse for predictive maintenance simulations, global factory design, and fusion reactor design, demonstrating its potential for cleaner, more efficient technologies.