Fintech Lending: Bridging SMEs to Bank Funding

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-10-25
Fintech Lending: Bridging SMEs to Bank Funding

A study from Wharton and other institutions discusses the role of fintech in small business lending, focusing on France. Fintech lenders help SMEs access unsecured loans to buy assets, which they can use as collateral for additional bank loans. This collaboration is a win-win, benefiting fintech firms, investors, and SMEs. Fintech lenders charge higher interest rates (around 8%), providing investors with annual returns of approximately 5%. These loans help alleviate SMEs' financing constraints and improve productivity. Most fintech borrowers use loans for asset purchases and substitute expensive short-term financing. Fintech borrowers' default rates are influenced by their financial health. Fintech platforms emerged in France in 2014, issuing loans of about €530 million between 2016 and 2019. Policymakers may consider the sustainability of this model and its role in complementing traditional financial institutions' offerings.