Five Keys To The Success Of Black-Owned Businesses

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-02-20
Five Keys To The Success Of Black-Owned Businesses

America's 3.12 million Black-owned businesses generate $206 billion in annual revenue and support 3.56 million jobs, according to a Brookings Institute report. Successful Black entrepreneurs include Jay-Z, Oprah Winfrey, Sean Combs, Rihanna, and Cathy Hughes. Key factors contributing to their success include an entrepreneurial spirit, technology and social media, supportive ecosystems, consumer awareness and community support, and policy and advocacy efforts. The success of Black-owned businesses is fueled by a desire for economic empowerment and a determination to create opportunities for themselves and their communities. The US has emphasized the importance of supporting Black-owned firms in both public and private sectors, including through loan programs, counseling and training opportunities, and supplier diversity programs. The Biden Administration has boosted minority businesses, providing $50 billion in 2023, and increasing minority-owned loans from 23% to over 32% since 2020.

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