Google DeepMind AI reveals potential for thousands of new materials

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2023-11-30
Google DeepMind AI reveals potential for thousands of new materials

Google DeepMind has leveraged artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the structure of over 2 million new materials, potentially revolutionizing the development of technologies like batteries, solar panels, and computer chips. The breakthrough, outlined in a Nature research paper, involves almost 400,000 designs that could soon be produced in lab conditions. Traditional material discovery is time-consuming, but DeepMind's AI, trained on data from the Materials Project, an international research group founded at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2011, made up of existing research of around 50,000 already-known materials, aims to significantly shorten the timeline for bringing new materials to practical use. The company plans to share its data with the research community to accelerate further breakthroughs. The focus now shifts to predicting the ease of synthesizing these materials in the lab.

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