India has a unique vantage position on how AI could play out: UN Tech Envoy

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2023-12-13
India has a unique vantage position on how AI could play out: UN Tech Envoy

India's successful experience in building digital public infrastructure positions it uniquely to influence AI development in the Global South, according to UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill. India's foundation of digital identity, payment mechanisms, and data management platforms allows it to lead in responsible AI applications, particularly addressing challenges in financial inclusion and last-mile access to health and education. Gill emphasizes the importance of India's position, along with other Global South peers, in influencing AI governance and ensuring inclusivity in initiatives. The 2023 Global Partnership on AI Summit is seen as a crucial opportunity to discuss technology, political, and policy perspectives. Gill highlights the need for diverse participation and India's role in preserving cultural diversity and addressing the ethical aspects of AI, including potential misuse for surveillance and violation of human rights.