Indian Govt Eyes E-commerce MoUs to Boost Exports and Encourage MSME Collaborations

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-11-23
Indian Govt Eyes E-commerce MoUs to Boost Exports and Encourage MSME Collaborations

Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) Santosh Sarangi announced that the Indian government will sign a memorandum of understanding with Amazon to boost e-commerce exports. Sarangi said that India is in discussions with Walmart and Flipkart for similar Memorandums of Understanding to enhance e-commerce exports in approximately 100 districts across the country. The speaker advocates for increased collaborations between large Indian companies and MSMEs to enhance their business prospects, citing Japanese and Korean giant firms' systematic vendor development programs as examples. Underlining the rise in exports of Samsung and Apple phones amidst an overall rise in exports of electronic products from India. He highlighted the need to boost exports from all parts of the country, as currently only four states—Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu—account for 68% of all exports from India.

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