A collaborative study by PYMNTS Intelligence and American Express reveals that over 90% of mid-sized firms ($3.5M to $15M revenue) planning further automation in accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) expect increased accuracy, efficiency, and streamlined processes. Automation not only reduces time and labor but also leads to 44% anticipating greater savings and improved cash flow. The study, based on a survey of 412 executives, emphasizes the advantages of automation in cutting labor costs, reducing errors, and providing valuable insights. Fully automated firms report double supplier satisfaction, with 44% foreseeing cost savings and enhanced cash flow in the next three years. The level of automation influences benefits, with 95% fully automated firms experiencing greater efficiency compared to 84% partially automated ones. Approximately 36% have not automated AP processes, while 35% haven't automated AR processes, yet both groups expect high growth.