India's small businesses, registered on the Udyam portal, have reported over 15 crore jobs, showcasing significant growth. The portal indicates that 13.86 crore jobs, including 3.41 crore for women, were reported by 2.06 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) directly registered. An additional 1.17 crore jobs were reported by 99.98 lakh micro units through the Udyam Assist Portal. Launched in July 2020, the Udyam portal replaced Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum, registering more MSMEs than its predecessor. MSME Minister Narayan Rane attributes this success to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership. The Udyam portal's impact on job creation and empowerment aligns with the government's emphasis on promoting MSMEs. The government is exploring avenues, such as free trade agreements, to facilitate domestic MSMEs' participation in global public procurement, aiming to integrate them into global supply chains for enhanced global trade.