Need for one Trillion Transistor GPU

Posted under: Emerging technologies
Date: 2024-04-02
Need for one Trillion Transistor GPU

Fast-forward another decade and a half, and artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where it can “synthesize knowledge.” Tremendous opportunities lie ahead for artificial intelligence to become a digital assistant in all human endeavors. ChatGPT is a good example of how AI has democratized the use of high-performance computing, providing benefits to every individual in society. All those marvelous AI applications have been due to one factor of progress in energy-efficient computing: the advancement of semiconductor technology. Over the last three decades, the major milestones in AI were all enabled by the leading-edge semiconductor technology of the time and would have been impossible without it. If the AI revolution is to continue at its current pace, it’s going to need even more from the semiconductor industry. Within a decade, it will need a 1-trillion-transistor GPU—that is, a GPU with 10 times as many devices as is typical today.

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