Network analytics: The telescope vs. the microscope

Posted under: Web technologies
Date: 2023-09-26
Network analytics: The telescope vs. the microscope

Telecom operators face challenges in utilizing this data effectively, and one of the biggest challenges is obtaining the right data in the right format at the right timescale. Kevin Wollenweber, SVP and GM for Cisco Networking, and Joe Vaccaro, VP of product for Cisco ThousandEyes, suggest that network providers need both a microscope and a telescope when using various tools for network data collection and analysis. The microscope view involves understanding granular aspects like network path, links, and connectivity, while the telescope view allows for a broader landscape and understanding of different interfaces up or down. Operators need to understand the digital experience through the eyes of enterprises traversing their networks and how it exits their network to key providers, such as peering points or cloud providers. Without both the telescope and microscope, many people work inefficiently to solve problems, leading to war rooms within operators or enterprises.

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