New York Times sues Microsoft and OpenAI for 'billions'

Posted under: Web technologies
Date: 2024-01-02
New York Times sues Microsoft and OpenAI for 'billions'

The New York Times has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft, claiming "billions of dollars" in damages. The lawsuit alleges that ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI and used by Microsoft, used "millions" of New York Times articles without permission to enhance its capabilities. It alleges that when asked about current events, ChatGPT will sometimes generate "verbatim excerpts" from New York Times articles, which cannot be accessed without paying for a subscription. According to the lawsuit, this means readers can get New York Times content without paying for it - meaning it is losing out on subscription revenue as well as advertising clicks from people visiting the website. The lawsuit also highlights similar copyright infringement cases against OpenAI, including one by George RR Martin and another involving AI called Copilot. OpenAI and Microsoft have not yet commented on the lawsuit.

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