In a groundbreaking announcement on December 14, 2023, Bhavish Aggarwal, the CEO of Ola Electric, revealed the imminent launch of Krutrim, India's own artificial intelligence system. Aggarwal invited the public to witness Krutrim's potential during a live launch event at 2:30 PM the next day. Engaging with the audience, he encouraged creative questions for Krutrim, promising to answer selected queries during the live stream. Positioned as India's response to leading chatbots, Krutrim aims to usher in a new era of artificial intelligence, contributing to India's journey toward an AI-first economy. The livestream, scheduled to commence at 2:30 PM, promises insights into Krutrim's capabilities, showcasing its potential to rival global counterparts. Ola Electric's innovative approach hints at Krutrim's transformative impact on various industries. Stay tuned for the unveiling, marking a significant milestone in India's technological innovation in artificial intelligence.