Pushing Back: AI Surveillance Resistance in Workplace Scrutiny

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2024-01-08
Pushing Back: AI Surveillance Resistance in Workplace Scrutiny

As artificial intelligence (AI) permeates workplaces, concerns about worker protection intensify. AI, from call center grading to email monitoring, introduces challenges such as unfair pay cuts or firings due to AI-based errors. In Europe, unions advocate for worker protections against intrusive AI practices, contrasting the situation in North America. German companies, like Deutsche Telekom, have implemented protections against algorithmic firings and the misuse of digital monitoring data. US labor unions and Germany's laws advocate for safeguards against AI's negative impact on job quality, including notification requirements and restrictions on AI usage for evaluation or discipline. The AFL-CIO and unions are addressing AI challenges, focusing on equitable gains and worker input. The US Chamber of Commerce sees AI benefits, but calls for inclusive dialogue and strong labor standards. Emphasis is on worker rights and responsible AI use.

Read more at: www.theguardian.com