Qualtrics supports Dow digital transformation

Posted under: Digital Transformation
Date: 2024-01-04
Qualtrics supports Dow digital transformation

Materials science company Dow has reported that its Qualtrics-powered digital transformation has helped generate $300 million in value. The company has used Qualtrics Digital CX and the Qualtrics XM Institute CX Maturity Assessment to improve customer experience (CX). Dow used the Qualtrics tools to identify how it could improve the effectiveness of its online and digital properties. Dow said it used Qualtrics XM for Customer Frontlines to assess multiple customer personas spanning their customer journeys to understand the unique needs of each Dow customer. According to Qualtrics, customizable data displays were used to analyze and publish key results internally, which increased transparency across the organization and enabled the CX team to measure how customer experience progressed over time. Dow said the improvements have also led to a 450% increase in repeat visitors to its digital commerce platform. It said it also saw an increase of over 200% in digital orders.

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