Sam Altman is back as the chief executive of OpenAI. OpenAI, the hot tech startup behind ChatGPT, said late Tuesday that Altman and the board of the nonprofit group that oversees the company came to an agreement in principle for Altman to return as CEO with a new board to replace the one that ousted him Friday. The ordeal began Friday, when the board of the nonprofit group that oversees OpenAI said it had removed Altman as CEO and “concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.” Over the next week, OpenAI turned into some combination of "Succession" and "Silicon Valley." The company appointed two different interim CEOs, Altman appeared to have joined Microsoft, only for that announcement to be walked back, deadlines for negotiations about Altman's return reportedly came and went, and employees threatened to resign en masse.