Seven-Step Blueprint for a Successful Talent Transformation Rollout

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-12-15
Seven-Step Blueprint for a Successful Talent Transformation Rollout

Every project should start with the why. Why am I doing this and why am I doing this now? This needs to become your end goal, whatever happens along the way, you need to stick with this why. HR transformation projects can grow out of control quickly if you don’t keep your key goal in mind. What has happened that means you need to embark on this journey? Without that end goal, your project could be derailed by other, competing priorities. Once you have this established, you need to then look at the what, who and how. The way you calculate ROI is as individual as the people and organisations going through the transformation. This means you must look at it from your point of view. There are of course similarities that will cross over between industries, but your organisation will have its own culture and identity that should translate into your project. Don’t forget it!You can go hard into the numbers or look at it with a softer ‘change for the better’ focus.

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