Small Business Saturday: A positive community impact

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-11-09
Small Business Saturday: A positive community impact

Small Business Saturday on November 25 encourages a shift from traditional post-Thanksgiving activities, offering a chance for meaningful experiences. Supporting local businesses fosters unique, personalized encounters while positively impacting communities. Small enterprises play a vital role in philanthropy, contributing to children's events, charities, and community initiatives. Entrepreneurs, on average, donate $3,600 annually, 50% more than non-entrepreneurs, with 66% volunteering regularly. Small businesses employ nearly half of U.S. workers, sustaining families and bolstering local economies. Purchasing from local businesses amplifies the economic impact, circulating money within the community. Studies show that a dollar spent at a local store circulates 6 to 15 times locally, creating substantial value. Recognizing their significance, the U.S. Senate designated the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday in 2011.

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