SMB hiring apparent in tech services sector employment gains, CompTIA analysis reveals

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2023-12-12
SMB hiring apparent in tech services sector employment gains, CompTIA analysis reveals

The latest employment data suggests hiring among small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) in the tech services and software development sector has continued, according to analysis by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the IT industry and workforce. In the aggregate tech sector, employment was essentially unchanged from the previous month, CompTIA’s analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) JobsReport data reveals. Companies in the tech services and software development sectors added an estimated 2,900 new hires for the month. This segment of the industry has recorded employment growth in nine of 11 months this year. Among all companies in the tech services and software development sector, 99.9% are classified as SMBs. They account for 84% of employment in the tech services and software sectors. “With the gains in employer hiring intent for AI talent, the job posting data is finally catching up to the hype,” said Tim Herbert, chief research officer, CompTIA.

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