SME Owners Show Strong Understanding of AI, Yet Face Barriers to Adoption

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-11-23
SME Owners Show Strong Understanding of AI, Yet Face Barriers to Adoption

The new research of SME owners across the UK from one of Europe’s largest business lenders also finds that three in ten (27%) SMEs are now using products like ChatGPT across their businesses, and three times as many leaders of small companies believe AI is a positive development for their company than think it will be negative. When asked to put a figure on the number of hours small business bosses think their company can save by using artificial intelligence, one in every five (21%) thinks their company can save at least ten hours a week. While Iwoca’s research with SMEs shows the potential of using machine learning, the UK's 5.5 million small and medium-sized companies are also wary about how AI will be used. Over half of small business leaders (51%) feel nervous about using AI in their company, twice the rate of those who don’t feel apprehensive (23%). Meanwhile, three in ten (28%) believe artificial intelligence could ruin their business model.

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