SMEs leveraging digital tools across business operations.

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-10-20
SMEs leveraging digital tools across business operations.

A recent FICCI report highlighted SMEs' increasing reliance on digital tools, with HR, sales, and finance being the key areas of implementation. Accounting software and business applications like ERP and CRM were cited as the most utilized tools. Productivity improvements and operational cost reductions were reported by 65% of firms, with 30% experiencing over a 20% decrease. Notably, a significant portion of sales (50–75%) was attributed to online channels. The report emphasized the potential benefits of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for SMEs and proposed strategies to enhance digital awareness and adoption among these enterprises, with insights from over 600 SMEs across 14 cities. The report highlights how SMEs adapt to digital transformation and adopt sustainability practices; it identifies the challenges in this regard and, more importantly, makes specific recommendations for overcoming them.