Stablecoins Facilitate Faster Payments and USD Access for Indian SMEs

Posted under: MSME
Date: 2023-11-07
Stablecoins Facilitate Faster Payments and USD Access for Indian SMEs

In a world where financial landscapes are undergoing rapid transformation, the rise of stablecoins presents a significant turning point. For Indian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), often grappling with complex monetary hurdles in accessing the US dollar and optimising payment channels, stablecoin payment is a game-changer in improving the efficiency and lowering the cost of doing business with overseas companies. SMEs, particularly those from emerging markets like India, have been diligently seeking pathways to simplify and accelerate their payment processes. According to Paypal’s MSME Digital Readiness Survey, 94% of the 250 surveyed Indian MSMEs said cross-border trade can help grow the business and expanding or exploring cross-border trade is a priority within the next 12-months. This can’t be done without smooth and affordable international payment methods.

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