Super Waterproof Material One Step Closer as Scientists Reveal New Nanotech

Posted under: Emerging technologies
Date: 2023-10-24
Super Waterproof Material One Step Closer as Scientists Reveal New Nanotech

Researchers at Aalto University in Finland have developed an ultra-thin material with remarkable waterproofing properties, potentially revolutionizing various technologies. The material comprises a liquid-like layer of water-resistant molecules bonded to a solid silicone surface. This layer acts as a lubricant, allowing water droplets to slide off with minimal friction. At these low concentrations, the water becomes a film over the silicone's surface. Previously, it was thought that this would increase friction between the water and the silicone surface. 'We found that, instead, water flows freely between the molecules of the [liquid-like surface] at low [liquid-like molecule] coverage, sliding off the surface," Lepikko said. "And when the [liquid-like molecule] coverage is high, the water stays on top of the [liquid-like surface] and slides off just as easily. It's only in between these two states that water adheres to the [liquid-like molecules] and sticks to the surface.

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