Talking to Animals with Artificial Intelligence

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2023-12-29
Talking to Animals with Artificial Intelligence

In a retrospective episode of "Science, Quickly," Sophie Bushwick discusses animal communication decoding using artificial intelligence (AI). Exploring the field of digital bioacoustics, researchers employ portable recorders and AI to analyze vast datasets, uncovering intricate details of animal communication. The example of Egyptian fruit bats reveals complex social interactions, dialects, and even motherese-like communication with young. The book "The Sounds of Life" by Karen Bakker delves into how researchers, like Tim Landgraf studying honeybees, use AI to decipher the language of various species, challenging human-centric perspectives on communication. The advent of digital bioacoustics is likened to the invention of the microscope, offering a planetary-scale hearing aid for understanding and bridging the communication gap between humans and animals.