The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has slashed rooftop solar network charges for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the state by 50%, dropping from ₹1.53/kWh to ₹0.765 /kWh. Additionally, the commission reduced Time of Day (ToD) charges from 25% to 15% for LT industries (III-B) during peak hours. The state regulatory body also allowed a reduction in power tariffs for low-tension multi-tenement consumers to ₹5.5 /kWh from ₹8.15/kWh. This tariff applies to tenements without lift facilities. Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO), anticipating revenue shortfalls due to these changes, requested a subsidy of ₹1.96 billion, which was approved by the government. The Energy Department outlined compensation for LT-IIIB industries and MSMEs at ₹1.91/kWh and ₹0.765 /kWh, respectively, with the Commission approving the provisional subsidy.