The Taiwanese American cousins going head-to-head in the global AI race

Posted under: AI technologies
Date: 2023-11-06
The Taiwanese American cousins going head-to-head in the global AI race

The chief executives of Nvidia (NVDA) and AMD (AMD) aren’t just two of the most powerful people in the global AI chip industry, they’re also family. The connection was first acknowledged by Su in 2020, and more recently, has been fleshed out in detail by Jean Wu, a Taiwanese genealogist. The two didn’t grow up together, which may make it easier considering they now compete against each other atop one of the world’s most closely-watched sectors. Theirs is a shared family history with roots in Taiwan, an island increasingly caught between the United States and China, as the two nations battle for supremacy in high tech. According to Wu, a former financial journalist who now focuses on researching corporate families, Huang is Su’s “biao jiu,” in Mandarin Chinese. In Western terms, they are first cousins once removed, which refers to cousins separated by a generation, she told CNN.

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