Shares of Amic Forging and Deepak Chemtex were locked at the 5 per cent upper circuit on the BSE in Wednesday intra-day trades as of 11:36 AM. Both stocks have doubled from their respective issue price post market debut today. Amic Forgings was trading at Rs 251.35 against its issue price of Rs 126 per share, while Deepak Chemtex was quoting at Rs 159.60, against its issue price of Rs 80 per share. Both these issues had received robust response from investors. Amic Forging IPO was subscribed 289.05 times. The public issue was subscribed 273 times in the retail category, 91.43 times in the qualified institutional buyers (QIB) category, and 589.27 times in the non-institutional investor (NII) category. Meanwhile, Deepak Chemtex IPO was subscribed 403 times. The public issue was subscribed 475.36 times in the retail category, 96.80 times in the QIB category, and 642.25 times in the NII category, data shows.