TN MSMEs Will Go On Strike To Oppose Power Tariff Cuts Starting On December 18

Posted under: MSMEs
Date: 2023-10-17
TN MSMEs Will Go On Strike To Oppose Power Tariff Cuts Starting On December 18

Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Tamil Nadu are planning a strike from December 18, demanding a reduction in tariffs. They seek a cut in hiked fixed charges of up to 430% and removal of peak-hour consumption charges. Other demands include the abolishment of networking charges for rooftop solar plants and cancellation of the multi-year tariff formula for the next two years. The Tamil Nadu Industry Electricity Consumers’ Federation (TNIEC) that organised the protest has also planned to meet MLAs in respective constituencies on November 6 to submit a representation about their demands and a human chain on December 4 in all the districts. If their demands are unmet, some companies may shut down or relocate, emphasizing the challenges they face, including alleged bribery and excessive electricity bills. several industries pay upto 1 lakh extra as electricity bill for the same connected load and consumption.

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