US ‘Blocks’ Chinese Access To Quantum Technology But Report Claims Beijing Ahead In Race?

Posted under: Computing
Date: 2024-02-21
US ‘Blocks’ Chinese Access To Quantum Technology But Report Claims Beijing Ahead In Race?

The US has implemented measures to restrict China's access to quantum technology due to its potential military applications, but concerns arise over China's lead in research funding and advancements. Recognizing the strategic implications, the Biden administration prioritized the protection of quantum technology. To counter China, the report advises strengthening alliances and coordinating export controls. However, it warns against overly restrictive measures hindering US and allied quantum industry growth, emphasizing the need for balance between national security and innovation. In the race for quantum supremacy, both nations prioritize development, with significant investments and political commitment. While the extent of China's progress remains uncertain, its substantial investment and strategic focus pose a challenge to US leadership. The competition underscores the importance of quantum technology in shaping global technological leadership and national security.

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