Web Development Trends: What’s Real & What’s Hype?

Posted under: Web technologies
Date: 2023-09-25
Web Development Trends: What’s Real & What’s Hype?

The web development industry is constantly evolving, and developers are keen to adopt new technologies. Headless CMS: Traditional CMS like WordPress are losing favor, with a low satisfaction score of 0.5. However, WordPress in headless mode has a score of 1.0. Newcomers like Sanity and Strapi boast high satisfaction scores of 3.0 and 2.0, respectively, indicating a promising future for these composable CMS options in 2023. Web Frameworks: Remix, introduced in 2021, saw a significant rise in usage (10%) and maintained an impressive satisfaction score of 2.3. On the flip side, Nuxt and Vue experienced a slight decline in usage but still have decent satisfaction scores (Nuxt at 2.7, Vue at 3.1), indicating developer enthusiasm. Web3: Despite massive hype, web3 technologies have limited adoption, with NFTs being the most popular at 10%. However, the overall satisfaction score for web3 is 0.9, suggesting that many developers intend to limit their use of web3 technologies in 2023.

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