What the Web 1.0 geeks can teach us

Posted under: Web technologies
Date: 2024-01-25
What the Web 1.0 geeks can teach us

The term "extremely online" originated in 2014 to describe those deeply immersed in internet culture. Initially a refuge for geeks, it went mainstream post-pandemic. A new book by Taylor Lorenz, "Extremely Online," explores this cultural shift. Internet platforms and algorithms dominate, leading to concerns about the demise of the old web. Statistics show decreased public interactions, with users favoring private messages. Trust in visible content declines due to monetization, leading to projected audience losses. The decline is attributed to social media saturation's end and AI-generated synthetic content. To counter algorithms, users employ strategies like deliberate navigation, subscribing to newsletters, and seeking genuine human connections over aimless browsing. Restoring trust involves reconnecting with intimate interest-based communities and adopting a purposeful approach to online exploration.

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