Why a Small Business Cybersecurity Plan Should Be a Priority in 2024

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-02-09
Why a Small Business Cybersecurity Plan Should Be a Priority in 2024

Small-to-medium-sized businesses face significant challenges in cybersecurity, with 50% of cyber-attacks targeting them and over 60% going out of business. To ensure business success, a business-aligned cybersecurity strategy should be developed. A business-focused strategy helps align cybersecurity investments with business goals, addressing critical gaps and improving cyber resilience. A formal security policy demonstrates the company's commitment to cybersecurity and compliance with regulations. A product-centric strategy can waste resources and expose businesses to unacceptable risks. Investing in a holistic cybersecurity strategy that is complementary and suited to the business is essential. The value of investing in cybersecurity depends on a small business's attitude towards risk and the potential for irreparable damage. Small businesses must understand that cybercriminals will exploit weak links to gain access to their partners, suppliers, and customers.

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