Will AR and VR in Telehealth Disrupt the Healthcare Industry?

Posted under: Extended Reality
Date: 2023-12-20
Will AR and VR in Telehealth Disrupt the Healthcare Industry?

AR and VR technologies, collectively known as Extended Reality (XR), are revolutionizing healthcare by enhancing telemedicine. These immersive technologies enable virtual consultations, examinations, and even surgeries. Over 25% of U.S. and German hospitals use AR/VR for increased efficiency. The benefits include improved patient care, enhanced training for clinicians, cost reduction, and increased accessibility. AR/VR in telehealth can benefit rural areas, offering remote healthcare solutions and reducing barriers for underserved populations. These technologies also improve medical training quality, reduce costs, and enhance patient experiences. Challenges include the need for advanced hardware, tech literacy, and regulatory considerations. Despite challenges, the future of AR and VR in telehealth holds immense promise for personalized, accessible, and tech-enhanced healthcare.

Read more at: innotechtoday.com